Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Telework: The Other Fuel

The Telework Exchange, an online community dedicated to eliminating telework gridlock, has released its "A Barrel Saved is a Barrel Earned" study which quantifies America's fuel conservation opportunity. By teleworking just two days per week, the U.S. government and white collar workforce could conserve 11.67 billion gallons of gasoline per year. That represents an associated annual fuel conservation equivalent to more than 27 percent of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Says Stephen W.T. O'Keeffe, executive director of the Alexandria-based exchange: "The best way to reduce gasoline consumption and dependence is to drive less. ... The 'other' fuel for our economy, telework, is a largely untapped resource. It requires no new research and development. The remedy to America's gasoline addiction is right on our doorstep." Click here for study details.


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Hydra said...

This kind of stuff makes me crazy.
Anybody have any idea of what teleworking just two days a week for the entire white collar work force means? Is that a 50% increase, a 500% increase, a 5000% increase over what we have now?

"just two days a week" makes it sound easy, but it is probably a major overhaul of how we do business, and could have ramifications we never thought of.

That fuel isn't really "conserved". It is just going to get sold to the Chinese or someone. Anyway, where are the assumptions and facts behind that 11.67 billion gallon figure, given the source, it would seem to be suspect.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of telework, but let's not make it into something it isn't, and let's not oversell it.

Seems to be a common problem around here.

At 5:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been doing it again for the last six months and a new employer is fine with it (do make the daily commute grind during the GA session). But there was that nice lady in payroll a few days ago who held my check because she knew I'd want to pick it up in person....the business culture has a long way to go toward accepting that those of us plugging away on our PC's at home are really working.


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